36 Year Old Male - daily nighttime enuresis.


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I'm new to this site, so please forgive me if there are posts on this already. I am a 36 year old male who for the last few years has experienced increasingly severe nighttime enuresis, overactive bladder and frequent urination during the day, and now whenever I achieve an erection I start urinating uncontrollably and sometimes cannot orgasm.

I have been to 4 or 5 different urologists, 3 neurosurgeons (one of which diagnosed me with spinal stenosis) and ultimately decided to have a lumbar laminectomy last December to try to relieve symptoms. The spinal surgery did not work, and now I am more despondent than ever facing a life of this hell.

Nothing has worked, and I am increasingly depressed that there is no cure to my condition. My sleeping habits are horrible, I wet the bed EVERY single night, and my marriage is on thin ice because of all the problems. I cannot exercise because the jarring movement of running and even an elliptical machine causes me to have to go to the bathroom.

I am curious - does anyone out there have these same problems. I refuse to believe I am the only person who is under 40 with this condition. I need help.
Klosk-- We can't imagine this was an easy story to tell. Glad you shared your experience here. It looks like you've done everything you need to do as far as seeking medical help.

It can only be assumed that your dietary and liquid intake habits are as needed: low-no caffeine, little acid, plenty of water, etc.

Your exact situation has not been shared in the same way, but if you review other threads, you'll notice stories and outreach from other men your age. People are very responsive on here and will likely share some wisdom and support as they come back on the site and see this new thread. Hold tight!
Although my problems are not the same, they are similar. My neurogenic incontinence caused excruciating pain. This was relieved by Botox injections; however, the benefit of those treatments wore off after successively shorter intervals, when the pain returned. The solution, for me, was a urinary sphincterotomy. With no valve between my bladder and the outside, I leak continually. However, the pain is gone, so I am not complaining. I wear diapers 24/7, keep myself as clean and odor-free as possible, make myself useful around the house, including doing laundry and cooking, and work hard to manage my incontinence so as to minimize its imposition on my spouse and family.
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