62 Female diagnosed with urinary retention l


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Diagnosed at 62 with retention issue. Currently having to self cath. Has anyone had interstem device put in sacral area for condition? Any medicines for bladder strength loss? Biofeedback for pelvic floor issues which may help? Cathing 6 times daily cannot void unless over 500 ml then only void about 200 ml and voiding stops. Help!
Hi Cheryl,
I have had an Interstim device for 7 years and would not go without it. I have Over active bladder and the device keeps my bladder on an even note. (It is so care free, that when I check it, it has been so long that I have to change the batteries on the programmer.) If you decide to go that route, the doctor will implant a temporary device with leads for two weeks to see if it is right for you. For me, it has meant not taking any more meds for urinary issues.
Good luck,
Keep us posted!
I have retention and loss of sensation with both urge and stress Incontinence and I was dribbling in between.
Oxybutnin makes urge incontinence worse for me.
My pessary helps. It has stopped in between dribbles completely.
Biofeedback does help. In a few short sessions you can learn to lower your blood pressure so that your kidney function is better which is part of this, gain muscle control for in between toilet trips, and learn to relax away stress causing more natural release while on the throne which can reduce urge surges.
An OMRI TENS massaging unit from the local 24/hour drugstore and probably available online placed externally on the anterior over the bladder turned on low between trips helps hold and tone in between visits to the toilet.
No caffeine and sip instead of whole glass all at once fluid intake.
Timed two hour toilet trips or immediately after my afternoon fluid intake which I monitor to prevent urge surges and
when on the throne turn off OMRI, turn on faucet, a heat pack placed anteriorly over the abdominal area to help relax instead of stressing about going to the bathroom and deep breathing exercises while on the throne help to release then double void because some will drop after the first release and then cath for releasing residual urine.

Interstim is out for me due to a lower back muscle injury and hips that are an inch difference in height plus head injuries.
Pads and Diapers of course.
Now I don't dribble in between at all since the pessary was put in and before I was dribbling in between.
Cheryl, I’m new to this forum and can relate to your bladder retention state. I’m 63,Cath 5 Times each day and continue to wonder about trying Inter stim. Let me know if you try it and what you think. Seems all I hear are the problems and pain different women experience with it so I’m a bit afraid to try it. My biggest challenge is trying to figure out how to self Cath better, so I don’t keep getting infections. Now trying a different brand of cranberry cap but have no idea what dose is effective.
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