A question posed by my father


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Thankfully I have the ability to be completely open with my parents; sometimes maybe too open. I asked my parents if there was any history and such. I had some feet injuries years ago. I’ve had somewhat of a limp ever since. I had a bone break off and get removed. My knees are pretty wrecked right now. Now the limp is obvious in both knees. I’m working on that with another doctor. My lower lumbar muscles are atrophied. That much I know, medically speaking. My father has hypothesized that as a result of this, I could have a pelvic misalignment that might be pinching nerves or that have been rubbed wrong and etc. The knee issues are about six months old. You should see me try and run. If it didn’t hurt so much, it’d be laughable. Haha They kneess don’t fully coincide with my bladder issue but the disparity in issues is three months at most. I am thinking no but before I ask the doctor and seem like an idiot, I’m wondering if this sounds like anything even remotely possible. Given the relatively sudden nature but quickly progressive nature of my incontinence, I’m pretty open to anything that might seem even remotely feasible. Thanks for your input.
Give them every bit of info you can. Knees may not be related, but something in the lower back could be causing it. And never know what can break off and travel thru the body.
ABSOLUTELY!! Thank goodness you have an all around support team to think together!
Perhaps a chiropractor can be of help.
A lumbar disfunction is a real possibilty but because you feet and knees arent well this might be complex.
Forgive doctors but they are trained to deal with just the small picture of what is wrong especially as specialty medicine.
You are your own best physican because by posing this jenga of body pzrt relationships youve answered your own question. Your body is all interrelated.
Compassion and kindness is called for from you to you, your running knees arent laughable the feet that you stand on support your spine all the way to your brain. They deserve respect!
You are on the right track!
As the understanding lifts and supports you that good mind will free from depression and a better life track dare i say, career path will emerge as your current employment is a result of your denigrating of your self.

I know we here are all cheering for you!
Soy if you can’t tell your doctor everything you think might be related to your problem, get a new doctor. Some practices demand that the docs push patients through like widgets in a factory. If your doc is in a practice like that, find another one. Chiropractic is a great option for dealing with the nerves in spine. A good one won’t have to cut you open to fix you. My chiropractor reduced my post-prostatectomy in continence in one session. Try everything amigo. You CAN solve the problem! Good luck!
Asking a question should not make you feel like an idiot. To me,you sound like a person who is aware of all of the messages your body is sending to you, and you'd like an expert's opinion on whether those messages are related to one another. If anybody tries to make you feel like an idiot, don't let that person succeed, instead, insist firmly and politely that you be treated with respect
Right again JuanZ and Diana!
This topic of our incontinence can undermine self confidence but its is only a medical condition, nothing to be ashamed of.
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