Anyone tried the Afex external catheter


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I am 3 1/2 years after surgery, 38 radiation treatments, 5 out of 6 hormone treatments, 2 tries at collagen and now am 90% incontinent. I am not eager to do the artificial unitary sphnichter. I have ordered the Afex system. Spending so much on pads and depends that Medicare will not cover that this would have an economic effect if it works. Jim
I hope your luck with external catheters will be better than mine. When my urologist insisted that I wear one, he ordered enterostomal therapists to put one on me. It came unglued four hours later, causing a massive accident in my family room. All of my most memorable accidents have happened when I was wearing them. Getting some instruction on using them might be a good idea. Again, good luck.

You could also look into the Bioderm system, another external collection type.

I did try the Bio-Derm a long time ago, but it is far too finicky to apply, and never sealed to get a leak free fit. I often use a regular external catheter system now, Mentor Long Seal, silicone which is far better then latex, and get very good fit and 24 hours use out of each one, worth looking into. Also covered by medical plans for incon issues.
Have used it. The underwear is actually really great quality, they should sell it just as under wear. Would probably be good if you weren't mobile. A little uncomfortable transition from sitting to standing. No leaks, bags on the small size, but for me, it irritated the head after a day or so.
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