Ashamed for my doctors to see me in diapers

I’ve got to go to a new doctor that happens to be a woman and with my insurance in network clause she’s all I can use /I go Monday and have to be examed where I’ll be in my diaper ashamed and I’m sure she will have a nurse to add to the embarrassment
I'm sure they've seen more diapers than you have. It's nothing new to them. They are professional people and will act like it. Don't sweat the small stuff.
I dont want to be a pain in the butt. All doctors and nurses see people all the time in diapers. It's not going to be there first go around on seeing someone in diapers. With the privacy act in place they cant say anything to know one outside of the doors about you wearing diapers. It is a pretty common thing these days. So, take a deep breathe and have your doctor look you over and see what is causing the issues. I can gladly say my doctor has no issues with me in diapers. He was the one that told me to wear them if I wasn't going to have surgery to stop my leaking. It takes a bit to get use to it but in the long run, it will be ok.
There is nothing to be ashamed of. Remember they work for you. They should be honored that you are there asking for their help and guidance. Blessings-
It’s different in small towns where the doctors and nurses live on the same neighborhood and you see in the grocery stores and ball parks and wonder what there thinking or saying / also the same mail lady delivers mail in the small town and delivers my diapers
Also if I run low on diapers we have only two stores that sell diapers and it’s so embarrassing for someone you know to see you buying diapers at a young age
There is so much worst things in life. Be grateful for the diapers, be grateful for the food, shelter, medical care-etc. It is not different. It is all in our heads. I know, how hard it is. I try to confidence myself everyday on how hard it is not.
I’m taking it hard cause I’m a man I guess and it seems to take my manhood away when I think about wearing diapers 24/7
As an ex-checkout clerk, diapers going thru the line are just another piece of merchandise. It might as well be bananas. If other customers see you carrying a package of diapers they don't know they're for you especially. You could be running an errand for someone else.
If it helps, think of them as just diaposable underwear--saves on laundry. It will get easier the longer you deal with the problem.
I think you are over thinking it all. You are stuck in your own head catastrophizing it as it spins round and round. I totally get your point of thinking your less of a man because you are wearing diapers. However if they prevent wet pants etc in public I think that would out weigh the alternatives. I am a young male as well and I can honestly say it gets much better with time.

Just think of them as a medical aid device or as the other person said disposable underwear because in essence that is what it is. It’s not worth getting yourself bent out of shape. It’s much easier to say once you have accepted the whole situation for what it is. I hope it gets much easier for you in short order and you stop over thinking things. As the general public is too self absorbed to worry about if you are wearing protection.
I am quite certain that it makes no difference be you male or female. I happen to be male as well and confess that at first, I did have a real hard time accepting the fact that I had to wear diapers as a result of an SCI. I guess that what helped me was that I also have to catheterize which I was able to accept very easily and I used the same rationale to wearing diapers as I did to have to use catheters in order to pee completely.
I mention all the above to you for 2 reasons 1. to show you that you are sure, not alone and 2. to let you know that you are making much more out of this than is needed as the only person who is making anything at all of you wear diapers is you and you alone. Neither the doctors nor nurses could careless as to what kind of underwear you have to make use of.
Good luck my friend I hope that you learn to accept who you are and the fact that what you are forced to wear through no fault of yourself makes absolutely no difference to who you are.
I live alone /they know there for me / this is a town of 1100 people / very small / my doctors nurse just moved next door/ she has diapered me before to teach me how to use the diapers hospital uses that I hate
I understand where you're coming from. My town is just as tiny. My family doctor used to babysit me when my older sister went to stay the night with her daughter. It was so much harder going to her in the office setting as an adult to be seen about my incontinence than it was as a kid to explain that I was a 12 year old that still used pull ups. But she handled it graciously. She was very clinical about it and even told me anecdotes about her relatives that wet the bed well into adulthood. Her nurse was my high school friend's mother. She judged me more over smoking cigarettes than about the fact that I have leakage. I know this post is quite long, but I just wanted to point out that the vast majority of healthcare professionals are just that, professionals, even if they're our neighbors or have known us since we were 5. They went into the field to help people in all ways, so they wont gossip about it because they know how detrimental it would be to your all around wellbeing. Plus your nurse/neighbor is already aware that you wear diapers so it wont be a surprise for them. It may seem humiliating to us some times but for them it's just another day at work. I really hope this longwinded story helps ease your mind some. If you ever need to talk we're all here for you. Just remember, I wear glasses because my eyes dont work correctly, but I also wear incontinence products because my bladder doesn't work properly. It's just one of those things we ended up with in life. It doesn't define you. :) good luck.
Well the nurse asked me if it was me or my brother who wore diape’s with a grin and I said me/ then she said well take it off before the doctor gets here to save time and I’ll help you put a new one on if u need me too
Yeah, living in a small town makes it a bit harder. But think about it from a different perspective for a minute: anyone who knows, now has a point reference when they see the products on store shelves, or if someone they know was to need them. You may never be called upon to be a trailblazer, but if you could make the road easier for someone else, wouldn't you want to do so?
I can’t go to the store without someone seeing diapers in my buggy and when they see them and give me that look it’s embarrassing/
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