botox injections


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I finally decided to go ahead with botox injections for OAB. The injections have certainly stopped the leaks, but they have stopped me going at all without a catheter. Has anyone else experienced this and if so how long was it before your bladder worked again?
Normally the doc has you keep a folley in a bit after. How long did you have one in? Often they take it out premature. This can cause your problem. He can reinsert one for a while to open the sphincter up.
Hi Steven, thanks for your reply. I am using disposable catheters 5 times a day at the moment. I hope that as things settle down I can reduce this number. if I can't then I guess it is a sign not to try botox again? cheers.
Botox is meant to be at its strongest at 3 months apparently. I have Botox but have never not been able to go, but I still retain about half in my bladder.
I only had the injections a few days ago, so it may settle down? How do you deal with the retention? Do you have to use disposable catheters?
I had the injections a few years ago and couldn't empty without self cathing. It lasted a little more than six months. I'm prone to UTIs and hate cathing in general, so I didn't try it a second time.
I have had it done and absolutely hated it. I could not go either and would then leak from an over full bladder and have bad spasms when it reaches that point. So I ended up with a Foley catheter and still being in a diaper because I’d urinate around the catheter often.
Given that I can still go at least half there was no concern about me having to catheter, but if that changes I would need to use the same a one use catheter. I hope the catheter period where's off soon for you. Did you have the lowest does of Botox?
Hi Full, I now have a UTI, so I'm rather fed up. On the positive side the regular leaks due to infection means that I don't need to cath so often. Hopefully it will all improve in a few days.
Just a quick update. It is nearly two months since the Botox and I am still catching 5 or 6 times a day. Looks like I am stuck with this until the Botox wears off.
I had Botox and forgive me if I'm not accurate. But I think he injected me 40 times, I was straight cathing 8 times a day. Finally I was so depressed my PCP Foley cathed me and I settled down as it really made my anxiety CRAZY!
And my urologist wants me to have it again, but this time full time Foley. Not sure the benefit.
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