Brand of Diapers Hospitals use


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Does anyone know what brand of diapers hospitals use on patients? I just wanted to know because I may have to go into the hospital soon for back surgery and possibly use their diapers for my urinary incontinence.
It probably varies by brand but on this thread people have said they brought their own because the quality is superior
And have instructions written in their chart to use patients own. You can have note saying this taped to a closet door also.

Wishing you speedy recovery and comfort. Drop us a line here when you are done
Near as i could figure out, it was a dead heat between lousy product and bad-at-it nurses, last time. Normally, I've nearly always found nurses to be the bright spot in any medical situation. 3 poor ones out of a couple five hundred, and 2 of them in the last year. Bring your own, make sure they write it down that they are to use them, not theirs.

When I was in they used these.
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