Constant Incontinence help


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Hi I have what is discribed as constant incontinence from a car accident it is like having a catheter that is just free to constantly poor out 24/7 with out the catheter that is the best way to dicribe it I also can't feel it
I was looking for advice as when I change my nappy or get out of the shower I am peeing all over the floor or myself it is embarrassing and depressing especially when all over the bathroom floor at work or in public I'm constantly in tears
I feel for you and know just what you are going through. My incontinene is like that I drip, dribble and have a slow weak flow most of the time. I am seldom dry for more than a few minutes.
Its hard.i hate having my nappy wet before i can tape it up. When I first had my car accident i could stay dry for about 15-20 mins. I have had people make coments on my large puddles on the floor in public restrooms like shopping centres. It makes me not want to be out
Have you looked into Poise Impressa? Not sure I spelled that correctly. Or maybe a simular device. I have had people say things too from time to time.
Yes I have had many surgeries and proceedures. With the amount of damage and the spinal cord injury I am left like this. I also leak out my vagina my urine passes through my bladder and out. It won't store and due to spasms that I can't feel both types of catheters caused damage
I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. You’re in good company and venting is perfectly ok here. We’re all dealing with it together!!
Sorry you having to deal with this, but keep your head up. I deal with constant leaking and surge voiding when standing up, sneezing or coughing. I condition came about as the result of radical prostatemony surgery. I went through physical therapy, as well as medications treatments. None helped. So I researched on my own found something I can live with, without further surgery which has been suggested. I use a male external condom and collection bag system. It's not perfect, because I have had accidents on rare occasion but I am safe most of the time. I also try to manage my fluid intake and that does seem to help. The only inconvenience, is emptying the bag (500ml) every couple of hours of approximately 100ml to 200ml of pee. Perhaps there is a might a similar device for women.

I don't have an answer for you in this challenge, at the moment. Stay tough and maybe creative. After recently filing for patent protection for a men's product that we think is superior to all, I have drawn up diagrams of a device that may work well for women. The next few weeks (or months)will be devoted to finding an industry partner for the men's device. Thereafter, if you are still interested, we will need input from women who are willing to test our device. If so, pls contact me. Best wishes to you.
Bee, how about keeping a basket of sanitary pads next to the shower and a supply in your handbag. Simply position a pad between your legs when exiting the shower and put nappy over it then remove it when dressed.
in public places have 2 or 3 identical trousers folded tidily in your purse and a bag of sanitary pads. Hold the pad in place when standing up from toilet. Uses a disposable wipe and press pad against yourself. if trousers are wet fix clean nappy and put on fresh trousers identical to the ones you were wearing and put damp ones in a ziplock bag to wash at home.
i like the leggings that are popular now because they vary from inexpensive to whatever and even quality ones are available at Walmart relatively cheaply.Top with a long sweater, tunic lemgth top or even a skirt or dress.
Accesorize your upper body with a big necklace ir patterned top.
wear nice boots or fancy sandals to have focus on the prettiest working parts of you. Even a manicured hand or styled hair and makeup indicate you are well groomed and draw attention to you as a proud beautiful woman.
so handbag kit:
wet wipes travel container
a bag of sanitary pads
a couple leggings or trousers folded small, pack in a plastic grocery bag to keep from inner stuff in your hand bag.
a few ziplock bags for the trousers.
REMEMBER, accesories away from your midsection are a distraction and the public WANTS to be fooled! People believe what they see.
It isnt as much trouble as it sounds. Takes alittle prep and planning to review your wardrobe to accommodate yourself, but we women have always had to shop to accommodate our changing bodies.
Hi MayMay
I am trying the pad thing just have to master the timing. At home on my bathroom floor is fine I can use extra towels.
You can do this! You mastered hair and make up, you can use a pad in a public restroom as a drip catcher.
You deserve to be out and about. Life slways throws curveballs but you survived a bad car accident so you deserve to enjoy snd participate in the life you were given

Thanks for joining our little corner of the world. Here, you'll find others like yourself.

I'm sure you see that already. Stay with us -- share -- learn.

Yes, we are all entitled to 'vent'. It gets our thoughts out into the open.


Thanks for this and many other pro-active responses given. Being positive, yet informative,

is where you make a difference to many.
100 percent with your remarks about venting Andy!!
Bee, please do vent, we all need this outlet!
I responded as i do because we must keep on living and enjoying the life, when there is no magic pill, apparently, but in essence, we all need a big virtual hug!
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