I have had trouble with incontinence my entire life, most nights it is always hit n miss but I try not let it affect my social life. I've noticed over the years that when in and out of relationship my incontinence differs, as when in one I only we every now and then maybe it's my fear built up that stops me from but when I'm single (like now) I wee most nights, also I have periods when I'm dry for a month then after that can't control my bladder for a week or two, also it seems worse when near my period anyone similar to any of this?
Ps. This is me being young and childish but by me having what I suppose is a weak bladder wouldn't it by any chance make my vaginal wall looser as to why they suggest kegals?
Ps. This is me being young and childish but by me having what I suppose is a weak bladder wouldn't it by any chance make my vaginal wall looser as to why they suggest kegals?