Depression & OAB


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I just read an interesting study that looked at the link between depression and OAB. There was a significant amount of participants that had both depression and OAB (dry & wet). I have read articles in the past that stated that any urinary incontinence could lead to depression. This made sense to me as in the beginning stages of any type of incontinence there is a lot of shame with accidents and exploring absorbent products. People also tend to become reclusive at first. I can completely understand how this can affect mental health. However, this study discovered that depression and OAB are caused by similar chemical reactions in the brain. So instead of being a cause and effect situation, these disorders can be caused by the same source. This is why many of the depressed participants reported OAB symptoms.

I think I have always had OAB as I remember having urge issues as a kid, but was always dry during the day (was dry at night by age 7). I was diagnosed with depression in 2012. At that point I was bed-wetting fairly regularly, but no daytime issues. For me, my incontinence never felt like it contributed to my depression. There was plenty of other negative thoughts that consumed my head back then, but the bed-wetting wasn't one of them (or at least a minor demon). Thankfully, my mental heath has improved greatly with medication and coping exercises. However, my incontinence has increased and I became OAB-wet(urge incontinent) in 2015.

I am happy that I saw this study as it make me understand that my body caused both problems with the same neurology instead of one being the symptom of the other.
Interesting. I think depression and lots of other health struggles form a vicious circle where illness exacerbates depression and depression makes coping with illness if not the illness itself worse.
Stonne, I do feel you information is correct, and I do know my PCP started to see the signs of depression and anxiety start after the urinary retention and day and night wetting and the need for Mr Foley and CIC. I'm on Lexapro, and Ativan (Ativan for those difficult days) PCP told me I will be on these longterm, (forever)
Agree Pyslink, my PCP just told me a week ago, that she would keep me in Ativan refills! That sure tells me something

What do you take? Here she gives me 20mg Lexapro & 1 mg up to 3 times per day if needed of Ativan
At the moment I take something called ipramine. I can't take new generation pills as I came close to dying from acute pancreatitis a few years back, Phil
I'm in the same boat. OAB, Anxiety, Depression along with sleep apnea. In the early years I always had issues with bedwetting and daytime settings also. Then I was dry during the day for a few years but had nights when I would flood out my diaper. I was never totally dry at night. I was always a burden when I was asked to stay at a friends house. It was always the usual answer. Sorry I can't cause I got something going on the next day. Soon as I was out of school is when things really changed for me. The depression really kicked in along with the anxiety. That's when my daytime and night time wettings became more and more to the point I decided to go 24/7 in diapers. It was at that time I was in and out of the doctors to find out what was going on. Diagnosis of OAB. I was on meds to help the wettings, but nothing worked for me. I was also seeing a therapist to help cope with my anxiety and depression. I am so glad that I took the time to talk things out. It helped me a lot to cope with my issues. From elementary school to graduation I hid who I really was. It was so hard to cope and understand who I really was. There were times I wanted to say goodbye. I'm glad I stayed strong and pushed through. Now that I am my true self and crawled out of that big hole, life is so much easier to manage. Now having to deal with being in diapers 24/7 really isn't that bad. Big life struggles, taking it a day at a time. Live your life. Don't let any issues swallow you up. Be strong and fight back.
I have had MH issues for years and I totally agree. I was also diagnosed with pcos last year. I am in my mid 20's with no children and I have OAB with incontinence. I have told several doctors about my urinary issues, only one has taken me seriously. I can say that the symptoms of all three wax and wane together. I know when I start feeling more depressed, it won't be long before my face is breaking out, and I won't be making it to the bathroom in time.. I feel that Drs need to listen to their patients mor instead of strictly going by the textbook..
@cosmo040 I totally agree. Doctors tend to ignore issues they don't want to deal with. I told my doctor that I want to stop a depression medicine that is not working and he won't listen. Ir's mt body and mind after all.
@squander totally agree. I am a clinical social worker and it amazes me how bad some doctors are.. No exaggeration, ALL my clients have told me the same story at some point "my med isn't working/the side effects are unbearable and my doctor doesn't listen.." it's really despicable how much healthcare is all about the money these days.
This is an interesting discussion..Its hard for me to say if my depression and incontinence were caused by the same thing bc i was using when this happened (3 yrs clean-opiate addict) i remember being depressed before, but i also was having wetting accidents before..Just nothing like how i am now..
Besides, addiction causes depression..But, since ive been clean and ive been having to face life incontinent with no chemicals acting as my security blanket, its hit me pretty hard. Esp when someone tries to talk to me about it or i think that the girl i like may have found out..It just kills me! Its like back when all this 1st came about and i was having to deal with it then. Like all those yrs of experience and getting used to ppls reaction or pity never evdn happened. It sucks!
...i became suicidal there for a while but i got past that. I dont want to die..I just want another chance to live like im normal..
This thread is great. I’ve had a really bad few months. Telling everyone including my doc and more importantly myself that the oab and accidents were no problem and I could just tough it out with more stretching and kegal exercises. I also ended up on Zoloft after my physical this year. It took the edge off but the anxiety was still there especially if I didn’t know exactly where a bathroom was and how to get there.

I reached my breaking point for the first time recently when I lost control walking into my apt building. At that point I decided it was time to stop worrying about what people would think if they heard the noise or saw the bulk of an adult diaper, they’d probably be more disturbed or shocked if I lost control without anything in place.

I decided to start wearing full brief style diapers 24/7 and it’s the best thing I’ve done in the year I’ve been dealing with “wet” oab. I’m able to focus like a laser now on what I’m doing without trying to guess when I need a bathroom trip. I still make it when I can but when I can’t I no longer worry. I went to the restroom 22 times at work the last day I wore undies, 3 times the first day in a diaper. I’ve also realized upon reflection that I’ve had “dry” oab for years, since at least high school. I’ve always rushed to the restroom more than any friend or family member. I even remember throw away jokes about my “pea size bladder”

It’s amazing how much stress has lifted from my shoulders in the past few days since I can let my bladder do it’s thing and am now prepared for the times it doesn’t work quite right.
I can definately relate to what your saying..Our bladders pretty much run everything..I mean, u cant just run around kissing your pants all the time, ya know? And, for the longest, it was in my head that EVERYBODY could tell that I was wearing a diaper and there was no winning from either angle..But, what I found out is that most ppl simply dont care what were wearing..unless u let it turn into this big hush hush secret all over the county and literally everybody is wanting to c what we have on! Im not doing that! Just showing everybody! Not doing it lol

Other than a situation like that, nobody cares what type of underwear u are wearing today...
And, when something happens and u do get busted, ppl dont seem to be in real time like they used to..Its not funny to most ppl and Ive found that ppl tend to be understanding and respectful..I really do hate when Im chatting and a female finds out and suddenly becomes all sad and pitying me, feeling sorry for me, or when women think they need 2 pick up all the heavy shit 4 me lol Ikr, in a bar or club and somebody starts shit with u and some female jumps n and tries to fight ur fight 4 u bc of ur bladder. Its not really a kinda is but also not like ppl picture it.
I sorta went thru something similar to what Newbie went thru. I thought I had gotten a lil bit better bc I was able 2 wear underwear for a couple days without having an accident. And i was able to go some places and stay out late n then...I had an accident at my sisters place, on her couch. Oh man it was SOOO EMBARRASSING! A bunch of ppl were there n saw n even laughed at me, whispering while cutting their eyes at me..
So, I got some Pull ups for the daytime and only wore the briefs at night.. I like wearing Pull ups during the day bc Ive just NEVER been able to get capitol letters 2 work correctly..Pull ups kinda feel like Im wearing a diaper, esp between my legs after I've wet myself in it, it gets kinda bulky n its both cable but everything else doesn't feel like Im in a diaper, ya know? But, I ended up having like 4 leaking accidents with the Pull ups and that shit made me mad! Ruined my week, weekend..It just fucks my head up, how I think, my confidence, my pride, my manhood, ya know? It fucks all that up..Esp when I have to go back in a diaper on a week where I had told myself n everybody else that I was done with briefs that. That levels and the other PT I was working on were prob just causing more damage than good. I cant do the exercises anyway lol Every time I do them I piss all over the place! And, Im pretty sI just feel so foolish, so weak, so generic, so soft...And, then my mind isnt right. Its all off..Im depressed, sad, uncomfortable with each n every mmmove. Stuck in a big ass bulky as wet ass uncomfortable ass diaper n everybody knows it,thats why they cant come straight to him any more lol
Its just sad and depressing. Like right now, if i wanted him to come down, they wouldnt have let him..And, I smell pee. I HATE that! Big ass sign on the door lol HATE I can hear it as I move and so can others. Just walking around humiliated lol Just plum ASHAMED!! Ashamed of myself n my reputation. Nobody knew until Michelle went and told everybody. Fuck her. Fuck her..I hope she has something like this come up in her life and has to deal with it..Nobody understands..

But, everytime I pick something up, I wet myself. I need to just carry a lot of them in a bag and just go to the restroom very very often lol Like, what is your room..Just What is that?!
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