Diaper change


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Well i broke my right arm Tuesday,and can longer pull my pants up. I also have trouble pulling up my pull-ups. But i manage most of the time. This has caused a few more complete voids in my pull-ups. But at least I'm keeping my pants dry

However, when it becomes bedtime i cannot put my diaper and pull-ups at night are not an option. So now I have to depend on my wife to diaper me until I go to the surgeon later this week. It is a complete pain in the ass because not only do i have the embarrassment of being diapered but I also have to wake her up in the middle of the night to change me when wet.

How can a one arm man diaper himself?
I diaper my husband 24/7 it started out as him not knowing how to diaper himself correctly and issues with his back . now i just enjoys the control. hope you don't fall victim to the same ;)
bold text
like i said i enjoy the control. it's fun now
Way to go Babyjoey1981
I don't know if I should laugh or smile, but I enjoyed the the story & pics! Just too darn cute, and hope that's okay to say, b/c don't want to offend anyone.
I know of a way to change or put on a pull up without taking your shoes and pants off. It's such a simple common sense thing to do, but if you're like me, someone else had to show me. It's all about maneuvering & stretching the pull up in / out / through the legs of the pants, while they are pushed down to your shoes. Hope that makes sense!
I broke my left arm a few years back, and perfected the leaning against a wall trick; with a fresh diaper pinned between then pulling up between the legs and leveraging my elbow as needed to tape. Had it have been my right arm, I would be screwed.
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