do you have children who also bed wets/bladder problems as well as yourself


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me and my wife have 3 kids all girls i,ve always had bed wetting and bladder problems myself 2 of our girls have bed wetting problems the other is 100% dry of a night just asking if anyone esle out there have kids who also have bed wetting problems/ bladder problems our 2 girls with bed wetting problems are 8 and 13 years of age doctor in the past said due to the fact i have bed wetting problems is why our girls also have problems with it also my wife was dry at night at a young age right now we are still trying to get them dry of a night using a bed wetting alarm and keeping there beds covered with waterproof mattress protectors my wife is also putting them both in drynites pyjama pants but now our 13 year is takeing them off of a night and also takeing her waterproof mattress cover off the bed also of a night and makeing the mattress very wet each night we tried talking to her but all she says she hates wearing pj,s pants and sleeping with a waterproof cover on her bed wife is at her wits end
Very hard to remain non judgemental but I think y
Daughter has to be engaged in solution. Remind wife it's like menstruation, it's scary and weird having liquid pour out uncintrollably.
I suggest since she probably ruined her mattress get her a new one have her shop with you and be invested in the comfort. Then ask how can we protect this so it last for years?
I use plastic cover, a cotton bed pad and a towel between my legs as I can't sleep in clothing or diapers
If she is sullen about mattress purchase buy for about $100 a 4 inch memory foam at Walmart. They are so comfy you fall into a cuddle puddle of no judgemental foam. You WANT to protect it. And if its soiled and stinks roll it up throw out do it again.
What May suggested is exactly how my dear sweet Mother approached this subject, and it help me take some pressure off myself. My Mother was super supportive. Also my sister, and she still is today
I am always glad to know there is a non judgemental family. Its asking the girl how can we solve this TOGETHER not pointing a finger blaming or ordering a teens behavior
She is also in an age of hormones and menstruation. So it's all scary and weird having fluids pour uncintrollably out of ones body.
I suggest try to be matter of fact and treat this as an everyone has these problems thing.
Practically speaking a flannel sheet on the waterproofed and them the fitted sheet. A cotton top bed pad with rubbery grip so it doesn't slide(I got one on amazon).
I frankly suggest she put a towel between her thighs and change it every morning wash sheet and pad and towel. Have a few dedicated towels.
I can relate because I cannot tolerate sleeping in under clothes or diapers.
The mental adjustment is the hardest. All I can say is your wife probably doesn't understand the anguish of having fluid pour out but nocturia has got to be a judgement free zone. Asking her how can we make you more comfortable rather than telling her my way or the highway.
I am very sorry but I bet her mattress is ruined, I've done that to several in my denial.
Maybe get her a new mattress but she has to go choose it herself and then say we have to take care of this new comfy mattress since mattress we can't buy another
Oops I've found first post in one essay but now can not erase, sorry, I do tend to repeat myself but this is a first!
Never did, but they are lucky kids to have them understanding parents and will be so much better off for it!! Kids can’t reason through most difficult times in life and really need love and support to help get through it. I am sure it’s even worse for a young lady to have this happen!! I really hope you all find the support and answers you need!! Best of luck to you all
I,ve been a wetter for yrs and there is some speculation that my dad was but no absolute prove.
There are times that I become overwhelmed, with my incontinence and other health issues, and just stay home and I take Ativan to relax as my PCP told me that to just let go and rest, I wear overpants also and try to make it easier for me. I will need more caretaking, I do know that.
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