Do your kids know?


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My oldest is 14 and I am worried he might find out about my bladder issues and bedwetting. We have had some close calls in the last few months. I can't help but feel that if he knew his Old Man wore a diaper at night, that he would lose some respect for me. I feel like it was way easier to hide when he was younger.

Do your kids know? How did they take it?
@lorumipsum my son knows that I have medical problems and he knows that I keep having hospital appointments. However, we have never discussed the nature of the problems. He has seen the boxes arrive, but has not asked what is inside. Of course it is entirely possible that while I am out he has looked, but if he has he hasn't said anything. I don't try to hide anything, so he will find out sometime. Phil
My daughter knows. My ex wife’s daughter also knows. I sleep walk sometimes and that is how they found out.
Other people’s kids are great. And my techs at work act like kids sometimes. My honey has 3 grandkids and they are awesome. Love them allot. Nice that they get to go back home after a weekend or trip though🙂 gives me time to put the house back in one piece for the next adventure 😇
Thanks for the replies!

@Spaz Was there any fallout from that, or was it like the "birds and bees"? My son doesn't want to talk about it lol.
@lorumipsum not at all. My daughter just asked why I was walking around in a diaper at night time. So I told her that I sleep walk and have accidents while I do that. My ex’s daughter (who was 16 at the time) asked all kinds of questions, some which were a bit uncomfortable (ex: do you ever poop in them?). If anything they grew closer to me but never saw it as a weakness. I think they saw me more of being a human instead of just “dad”.
@physlink I have been worrying about this. I have supplies on auto ship. He sees the boxes, but never asks. He is at the age where I can start leaving him at home more, but I am afraid he will find them!

I remember how much I snuck around my mom's room as a kid!
@lorumipsum I did the same as a kid. If he does find them, I'm sure he will cope, kids are often better with this sort of thing than we might think? Phil
Well put Phil. Kids are pretty understanding bunch these days. Sometimes the have their moments but mostly don’t give it more than a moments though.
My boys are 9 and 7 going on 8, for the last 5 years diapers have been a part of my wardrobe. They know about them. I don’t go out of my way to advertise it or call attention to it, I don’t walk around in just a diaper but sometimes they’ll see it sticking up above my pants/shorts. We don’t make a big deal about my issues so it isn’t a big deal to them. They know I have a catheter 95% or the time and it’s just business as usual here. If they ask me a question, I answer it. But really it isn’t a big deal here, as they say “it is what it is” it’s how we live here.
My daughters are now 21 and 20, I have always been so close to them, coached all their sport teams etc.. I was always so scared of them finding out and them seeing me differently rather than their hero. I have always gone out of my way to hide my incontinence and need of diapers. One time I had a leak at work and my change of clothes and diaper bag were in my truck, I text my wife and told her my diaper leaked and needed a change of clothes and my spare truck key. She responded almost immediately and replied I had sent the last text in a group message with my youngest daughter on the text, she was 16 at the time. My wife brought necessary items and I was so distraught about the text, she told me they have known for many years and that she had a conversation with them after they had saw me sleeping. What I thought of how they would react if they knew and how they would see me was never an issue as they had known since they were fairly young. I still hide every aspect from them that I can, I guess they do know why I have always carried a back pack which still makes me uncomfortable with them, total strangers I don’t care if they realize.
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