Experience with Peyronies Disease?


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Hello all--

I'm new here. I'm in a fairly new relationship with a man who has Peyronie's Disease; he told me that he 'broke' his penis during sex approximately 3 years ago. He received surgical intervention, but is very self conscious about his decreased size and ability to remain erect for long periods of time. We're both in our early 50's (I'm 51 and he's 54); things don't work the way they used to ANYWAY for men at our age...I'm fine with the way things are. I was mainly wondering if anyone had any advice for me regarding this condition as the partner, like things I should know, etc. Also, anything I shouldn't do that may hurt him, etc.??? I've tried to research these questions online but wasn't able to find much information. Thanks, and I hope these questions weren't too risqué.
Sorry, I have no personal experience with it, however I have seen recent commercials for a treatment, so it's likely a newly available or at least newly advertised treatment is available.
Does he experience incontinence? Because that's really what we can probably give advice. How to manage, etc.
Then sorry but I think you are on the wrong forum. This is for folks who suffer from incontinence.
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