experience with/success-failure of male urethral bulking surgical procedure


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Reluctant to go through AUS surgery, considering bulking procedure, interested in other men's experience with this, including success or failure.
I have been scheduled for two AUS surgeries in past two years and cancelled both of them. I worry about the possibilities of unsuccessful surgery and/or mechanics/complications of the AUS. Going into old age I just think I would experience problems operating the AUS later on. Phil
I tried the bulking procedure (collagen injections). First injection was low amount and did not work. The next week it was followed up by a second amount. Due to prior radiation the agent would not stick and lead to very painful blockage. I ended up in the emergency room twice and needed to be catheterized. After many days of back flushing the catheter at home it healed. I had the AUS installed 2 years ago and was having great success until I suffered a severe stroke one year ago and can’t get to the toilet in time to release it. It still functions when I have the opportunity to release it. I was an inpatient for 3 months and would simply release it and urinate in the diaper which then required changing. Nurses were very understanding. I do not regret having the AUS installed. I will be 72 this month.
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