Finding what works to deal with your incontinence is key. Its been 4 years since my accident and just this month am I figuring this out. I have Medicaid and they will only pay fully for diapers that just suck. They will, however, pay 88 cents per diaper twards a premium brand. So I found a medical supply store here in DC who would order 4 cases of abena l4 for me, charge Medicaid and it only cost me $63. Medicaid covers gloves, lotion, wipes with barrier cream and chux with adhesive tape.
Im on SSDI and it was killing me paying so much a month. All this to say dont give up. Incontinence is manageable. It took me a long time to figure all this out.
Im on SSDI and it was killing me paying so much a month. All this to say dont give up. Incontinence is manageable. It took me a long time to figure all this out.