Hi, every one. I just discovered how pernicious the web can get in sharing our information without our permission, and without our knowledge. We've all heard about web-programs that track our browsers, then that info gets sold to advertisers. Probably to hate-groups and political organization who we don't agree with. Found out how far that goes starting yesterday. Some websites and services require you to log in via FaceBook. I had deleted my old, almost-never-used FB account last year. To sign up with FB so i could sign up or use some websites, i created a throwaway Email address, on a different service than i use, used that to sign up with FB and use a throw-away name. Right. That was yesterday. By this morning, i was inundated on "my" FB page with "People you may know". Okay, some were people i couldn't possible know, i suspect, but i didn't believe how many i did know. I didn't befriend anyone or any business. I used that throwaway email account to sign up with FB, and nothing else. Didn't import my address book or anything else. Have my permissions and setting and profile at zeros or at the lowest, most restrictive choices. Guess what? My FaceBook page has posted content from some businesses i used in the past, and you-tube channels I'm subscribed to. My setting say no posting except for friends or me (The lowest setting possible), so how did they get there? They don't have NAFC, BUT: I went to Google, into my account, and found NAFC in "contacts", email, places I've visited, etc. I deleted everything they let you. I signed a petition, yesterday, against that state of Washington legislaturer who said that all nurses do is play cards. That got posted on my FB page with my real name. GRRRRRR. It intimidates. It attempts to scare us from using/visiting websites for political issues, policy, or even reading the news (clicking on a story) - and it makes me wonder who has our info and is selling it to advertisers or the hate groups and the prejudiced. We do face prejudice for our problem. In some cases, that's why we are here. I downloaded the Ad Blocker Plus extension, but that isn't the solution, really. Anyone have an issue with that for this site and our problem? Or a solution?