Thank you for this group. I have struggled with different levels of IC for the past 5 years. I have other symptoms that point to MS. In my heart I feel that is what is wrong, I’ve been to a urologist who sees nothing wrong with my system, I’ve been diagnosed with prostatitis, treated at every level with very little affect. I hate going to the Dr and not given answers. I feel dumb every time. This group encourages me that I am not alone. I have a wonderful wife, two beautiful children, but my wife is the only one who knows I suffer in silence. I went through incredible darkness for the first 4 years. Now I feel like I have to work this out. I have to move forward in acceptance and live life. I have to enjoy what I can. Even if I’m wearing a diaper. Which is still so very challenging. I think of you all, send positive thoughts, and pray for you often. It’s easy because I’m often reminded of my own plight, and hope that each of you know you are thought of cared about. You are not alone & neither am I. Peace and blessings upon you!