No offense, but I'm little worried that the NAFC is promoting this. The last email I got was today, 5/29/19, and while it had the usual email header from the NAFC, and the appearance, clicking on it did not (repeat not) take me to the NAFC website (here). I used another, older "new thread alert" to get here.
InterStim is a Medtronic product. Medtronics is a huge health industry company. If I'm getting email from them with the NAFC "logo" that isn't really leading to this site, that is Spoofing in my view. So where did Medtronics get my email address? From NAFC? If so, we should be told we are being sold.
One of the values of this site is autonnymity. It is a support site, in my view, and we are risking losing trust and members. I get enough Spam and out-right scam email.
I sincerely hope NAFC simply passed on Medtronics' messages (the one i got said it was Number 3 of a 3-part series.) The next problem is: did Medtronic insert a tracking meme in their message? It is a matter of seconds (or maybe a split second) for software to ID you when you visit a site - as that latest Medtronic email caused me to do.
I'm sorry to alarm anyone, and possibly I'm being paranoid, but that last (todays') message from Medtronics/NAFC has the earmarks of just what we are warned about in Internet Safety articles.
I do note that there seems to be our usual conversation, here, with good and bad reviews, from people i have seen here before and believe i have reason to trust.
My Doctors have never mentioned this InterStim (which doesn't mean it doesn't work for some), but i don't see it for me. I've been having improvement, and the only thing that seems to cooralate is the improvement in my Glucose numbers, and possibly my blood pressure numbers. Anyone care to comment on my paranoia? MayMay?