I am joining on behalf of my 17 year old who has wet the bed EVERY night since birth (except maybe 7 times when he was dehydrated over the years). We have seen a Urologist, and other than Desmopressin for sleep overs, there is not much else that was offered. We did a VCUG to look for kidney reflux and any other obvious signs of a structural issue, multiple ultrasounds... nothing shows as problematic. He wets so much at night, it saturates his bed sheets and sheet liners for the bed protection... no "diaper" contains his urine amount even with liners. The smell is very strong and yes we tested for infection many times... We have tried night alarms which he sleeps through most of the time and trying to train his bladder during the day to go more frequently then also holding to try to stretch out his bladder... he has given up hope that he will ever have a normal dry night. He is starting to date and is terrified at the thought of having to explain this to a girlfriend at some point. I would love some advice about things we can try, specialists we can see (we live near Seattle) or ideas for containing the urine... He is depressed and I know this condition is part of the reason he feels this way. I am hoping some of you can help me find some solutions and management ideas. He wants to go off to college but a dorm is out of the question for sure...