Hello! I’m new here and I’m really just looking for a support group for moms of children who wet the bed. So maybe someone can offer their advice/support. My son is 12 and is a pretty regular bedwetter since age 5. I’ve tried everything (alarms, medicine, waking up in middle of night for him to go, no caffeine, monitoring liquid intake), and nothing has helped. So now I just make him wear a diaper every night and we just deal with it. But my question is, at what point is this an incontience issue for life vs nighttime bedwetting that he will outgrow? He’s been to the Doctor (pediatrician) and she wasn’t concerned. She said he’ll grow out of it. She did prescribe medicine that “may” be helpful for sleepovers, but it doesn’t help. I’m just stressed and overwhelmed that this may be a lifetime problem for him. It’s getting harder and harder to conceal the issue the older he gets. He hates wearing the diapers when he has a sleep over (pull ups) because he says they make noise when he moves around. And you know boys, they like to play rough and wrestle. Any advice or encouragement would be most appreciative!