New and confused


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So, new here. 34 y/o male. Had dribbles for about a year. At the same time I was constantly going, huge urges all the time. No matter what I did I’d always have a full bladder again within minutes. Then all of a sudden night accidents, and in the day time I’ll leak streams and barely make it to the RR in time. Everything is happening very fast, my blood work and urine culture came back clean but I don’t go back to the VA for another month.
Over the phone the va said severE OAB.. I wear products 24/7 for the last month out of fear.

Anyone else have this happen?
I have had something similar but not that drastic. I fully understand the urge problems and I just started wearing protection. Touch wood I have had issues at night. But mine there say is related to my MS diagnosis 3 years ago and obviously it has attacked my nerves to control urination. Supposedly my ms is stable according to my docs and some of my symptoms are getting worse in nerves that were too damaged prior to my diagnosis. I am 38 FYI,

You have come to a great place to reach out to people who can provide great advice and support. Welcome aboard Woodenbelly
Jwh51 said:
I have had something similar but not that drastic. I fully understand the urge problems and I just started wearing protection. Touch wood I have had issues at night. But mine there say is related to my MS diagnosis 3 years ago and obviously it has attacked my nerves to control urination. Supposedly my ms is stable according to my docs and some of my symptoms are getting worse in nerves that were too damaged prior to my diagnosis. I am 38 FYI,

You have come to a great place to reach out to people who can provide great advice and support. Welcome aboard Woodenbelly

Thanks bud,
I really hope to not just hear similar stories, and learn, but to also just talk to people in my similar boat. Hard to even look at my wife, who’s very supportive but it’s difficult when wearing a pad or diaper.

I’m trying Guards after using depends real fit, I love how discreet they are but they don’t hold up for shit if it’s a bad one. I invested in tabs but online and they don’t fit at all, plus I don’t like not being able to atleast try and make the bathroom. But putting on a pull up in public sucks too.

They have me on Trospium, so I constantly feel the need to drink more water which helps a lot.. haha
Oh I get it. For me I have just given in and will wear m4 with Gary wear pants if I have client mtgs otherwise for travel it is confidry, mega max or rearz otherwise I wear depends real fit (basically my version of underwear at age 37). My wife is pretty understanding but agree it did feel really weird at the beginning. It doesn’t help that I have Erectile issues as well oh as I would say the joys of ms.

I am on myrbetriq 50mg and 5mg vesicare. Honestly I am not sure what they are doing but I think they are helping. Very lucky in that my body responds very well to medicines and I get minimal side effects - the dry mouth does cause me to drink tons of fluids which explains why I have to urinate so much but I have just accepted what it is.

The real fits are a true pain to change in public washrooms which is part of the reason I switched to full m4 diapers as to tape on a diaper is so much easier that a pull-up. I have never tried the guards. In my case the urges are just to intense and the realization that depend real fits are really crap but I am usually able to cope at work as I have a washroom really close and can easily change if required.

Hopefully you are able to reverse your condition and that it goes back to normal. My prayers for you. For me if the nerves are truly dying I have accepted that and not expecting miracles. Like most people say here it does become easier to live with and fully agree with that.

Honestly once I switched to full diapers for my site mtgs my anxiety dropped so much in I wasn’t stressed if I would make it. I was truly shocked how much the concern of leaking and not making it to the toilet what it was doing to me.
Amen brother. I am happy when I can get through shopping from one end of a Walmart to the other without leaks. It’s funny what you learn to appreciate as your body changes through life.
Ive been dealing with urge incontinence and over active bladder for the better part of 9 years. The products available in stores is not much better than using a trash bag and paper towels. I'm currently using Betterdry adult diapers. I find that having the extra protection provided by higher quality products providesa much better piece of mind than trying to manage with the lower quality products that are readily available in the states.
Hi woodenbelly,
Glad you are here. Lots of nice people here from around the world. You certainly are not alone by any means. 😊
@Woodenbelly welcome to the forum, this is a great place to ask questions or just to share your experiences, no one here will judge you as we all have issues as well, cheers Phil
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