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Hi all - I'm a 53 year old female with serious incontinence issues and I've been to two urologists -- one immediately wanted to do surgery which scared me so I sought a second opinion and the second urologist didn't think I needed surgery but suggested pills which I tried and didn't work and physical therapy which didn't work either. It's really starting to impact my life so much. I can't even walk around now without leaking. Has anyone tried anything over the counter that has worked? It's become so all consuming :( So glad to have found this site. Thanks so much for reading... Kelly
Kelly ? Adult diapers are nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of .. I would suggest wearing something that you feel most comfortable wearing!
Many of us have been through a whole bunch of options. Some of us have tried the medications and looked at other treatment options and have found that adult diapers are the least of all evils. Finding the right adult diaper is trial and error. We recommend trying a bunch of products before choosing the right one, sometimes we have different products for different applications or situations.
I'm a 76 year old male and have been wearing pads 24 7 for a few years now and change them 4 -5 times per night, better than surgery which has not been offered as an option.
Kelly, oh my I know exactly what you are going through. I am a 68 years old female and have had incontinence for 20 years now. I have tried everything. I just went back to urologist today,he know wants me to do the Interstim Medtronic under the skin on your hip. I have said that has to be my last thing to try. I am working with physical therapist now and it seems to
help some, but it it so time consuming all the exercises. I also got a apex M, that does kegals for a person. I have tried many different pills that don't really help either. over the year it just keeps getting worse.The apex M has helped during the day but not at night I wear pull on depends and buy plastic pants to put over them. that way I can play golf and I started pickle ball.I found out also today I had an bladder infection which I get often, he said that could be my problem since it get so many. I just want to find out if my bladder has something wrong with it,Iwould like to find a /
Dr. that just works on incontinence. oops I don't know why this dropped down. well I wish you luck . It is starting to make me paranoid, but I am at my witts end. Good luck
Kelly , this is part two. He also wants me to start taking D-Mannose , it a natural vitamin you get at health food store or on because that's the cheapest place to get it. It heals your bladder and helps ton get rid of infections.
He says he has a lot of success with it. so I will try it.
Jelly Kelly, it’s an awful problem to have and there are LOTS of us dealing with this same issue every minute of every day!! There are lots of options out there too, you just need to keep your options open and do what you need to do to get through the day until you can either get it figured out or find the best way to manage it. I am a 45yr old male and have been IC for alimony 13 years now and yes it sucks but I’m alive and have a loving wife and kids and in the end that’s what matters, not what I wear or what physical issues I may have. You are not alone and this is much more common than you can imagine so do your homework and research all your options!! I really do t know if there is a “fix” that is permanent or works without side effects so you’ll just have to find your fix and go with it!! Best of luck and lean on us when you need to!!!!!!
colin13 said:
Kelly , this is part two. He also wants me to start taking D-Mannose , it a natural vitamin you get at health food store or on because that's the cheapest place to get it. It heals your bladder and helps ton get rid of infections.
He says he has a lot of success with it. so I will try it.
I wasn’t sure how to reply but thank you!! And I’m also a golfer which can be challenging but as long as I can find porta potty’s to change my pad!!
I starting leaking a few yrs ago but don,t let it control you.I played softball several and just diapered up.Good luck.
I really feel for you. This is a very challenging problem. I agree with the people who suggested trying lots of things and seeing what works for you. Look in the archives to see what others have written.I have tried meds and PT. Neither worked. I have resigned myself to wearing diapers and just accepting what is. Reading and replying to these posts helps me to feel less alone. I am a 64-year-old woman who has had this for over a decade.

I would like to know how Interstim Medtronic under the skin on your hip works after you've had some experience with it. Thank you.
boasammy, I am not planning to get one yet, the dr. keeps suggesting one, but there are a few restrictions on some things that youi can do when you have one inserted. I am trying other things first. just goggle it and you can find out a lot.
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