not been able to wee awlfull


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Hi since i was 11 years old ive suffered with wee infections but nothing was ever done just lots antibotucs ive had kids list kids too and still weeing until last year i got married became pregnant had scans told i had 22cm cycst were baby was and still weeing then was told baby has died so go down to threatre remove baby r i p told no cycst it was wee then ive never weed had lots tests hosptial had to self cathertise then had indwelling cathers was told my bladder dead which hard to cope with at 40 im not the lady i was has become servely depressed then i get hope get refred to uclh london hosptial and the decide to have a super catherter in my belly so im still draining then up comes another off having a pacemaker in my buttucks which sends waves signals to bkadder to wee bearing in mind i dont have no sensation no feeling have the dummy one put inn and i wee but not alot every surgery asleep so now have the real one inn its works im still have super pubic catgerter inn too i have a remote control too but ok it works plus being painfull not being the person i was i cry alot in pain constantly feel realky depressed over it but should be happy i have no energy nothing i said to my husband which has left me now cos he coukdnt cope with me i dont it want it rather die be dead had enough will i ever feel normal again my bum looks like a golf ball i know its there too wen i be me again hopefully no more surgery i carry the remote around too i just a robot for going wee i say why me
You don't have to carry the remote around. The doctor should help you find the level you need to be at. My daughter just had one put in. She is very thin and had no fat to bury the battery, but it's fine. The battery implant should be placed on the upper part of your bottom. Is your where you are sitting on it? Call the company who made the pacemaker. The one my daughter has, has a phone number that you can call at any time. I'm so sorry about your husband leaving you. You should probably talk to your doctor about maybe trying an anti depressant so you can cope better. That might help you a lot. Have you ever been tested for kidney/bladder reflux? One daughter had that...lots of infections. They did surgery on her to fix her ureters and she stopped having infections. It sounds like to me, that you are not getting consistent care. Can you see another urologist? You are not still self cathing are you? Please get some help....take care!
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