Please help!


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Hi there,
This is my 1st time on here - looking for some advice. Im 37 year old female. I have 2 children aged 13 and 10. I have never suffered incontinence previously in my life, but have recently began to do so in the night. Its not been very frequent, maybe 6 times or so times this last 12 months. Every time it has happened before I have been alone (hubby works away) but last night he was in bed with me and I woke up as it was happening. I should say that it always wakes me up as its flowing. I was clearly very embarrassed to have done this in front of my husband.
I am in good health, take no medications and do not drink so I don't understand this.
Any body experienced anything like this before?
Thanks xx
I have had on and off bedwetting. I'm incontinent now because of a disease. The top recommendations would be get some pads for protection, limit fluid at night and talk to your doctor. By the way, I just started a brand new blog I would love if you saw it and we could talk more
First, if you have not already done so, get yourself checked out by your family doctor, and, if appropriate, get a referral to a urologist. The list of medical problems that can cause incontinence is long; however, many of these can be dealt with successfully. Good luck.
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