robotic prostatectomy and diverticulotomy


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In an earlier post, I mentioned that I was having a robotic prostatectomy and diverticulotomy. The diverticulum was huge...about the size of a grapefruit according to what was told to my wife. The surgery went well, and was sent home with a catheter which was to be removed in 2 weeks. After it was removed, I was not urinating like I thought I should. I contacted the urology clinic and was told to go to the nearest ER immediately. When I arrived they did an ultra sound, and determined that I was retaining a lot. I was then catheterized, and over 700 ml of urine was produced. So, now I am in a catheter again for another week. Needless to say, I am not happy. I really hate having this ball and chain attached to my leg. I never thought I would say this, but I'm actually looking forward to wearing a diaper again. Sorry if I'm sounding a little sorry for myself. I know others in this support group have much more serious issues than I.
There is really not much more serious than making sure your mental health is being taken care of and to have an opportunity to get things off our chest is invaluable and necessary!! Yes there are others with worse situations but you must take care of yourself first in order to help others!! Hope the rest of the recovery goes well and quick!!
Don't worry about venting! We all need to do it from time to time. I live with a Foley catheter somewhat permanently. I have interstitial cystitis with very severe urinary frequency, and urgency. It's the only thing that they've been able to find that allows me to live as a "normal" person. But with the foley in, there isn't much I can't do.
I'm curious. Can incontinence come and go after my prostatectomy, and diverticulotmy? Can it return after being somewhat dry for a period of time? Some days I feel that I have made progress, and think that I am now dry; other days not. I tried wearing just a padded brief the other day rather than a full diaper. That was a big mistake. I'm almost afraid to venture too far without wearing a some kind of protection. I had control issues before my surgery for several years, so will diapers be my new underwear? It is what it is, I guess.
I'm a female so I cannot comment on prostatectomy, but my urologist did tell me (and I have personally experienced) that incontinence intensity & frequency can be somewhat seasonal. Variations have to do with ambient temperatures and changes in perspiration and fluid intake among other factors.
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