In an earlier post, I mentioned that I was having a robotic prostatectomy and diverticulotomy. The diverticulum was huge...about the size of a grapefruit according to what was told to my wife. The surgery went well, and was sent home with a catheter which was to be removed in 2 weeks. After it was removed, I was not urinating like I thought I should. I contacted the urology clinic and was told to go to the nearest ER immediately. When I arrived they did an ultra sound, and determined that I was retaining a lot. I was then catheterized, and over 700 ml of urine was produced. So, now I am in a catheter again for another week. Needless to say, I am not happy. I really hate having this ball and chain attached to my leg. I never thought I would say this, but I'm actually looking forward to wearing a diaper again. Sorry if I'm sounding a little sorry for myself. I know others in this support group have much more serious issues than I.