Should I be brave?


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It has been nearly 20 months since my combined prostatectomy/diverticulotomy. I have been trying to get the nerve to venture out without wearing a diaper. There are days when I think that I can do this, but usually "chicken out". I still have some issues of urge and overflow incontinence...very unpredictable. My urologist indicated that it may not get any better. Has anyone else gone through similar thoughts? It seems like a waist of a good diaper if it's not used, but then what if it's one of those days. Advice from others that have had similar thoughts, and how you came to any decisions would be appreciated.
You ARE brave.
A disposable product that protects your body has nothing to do with THAT! So, no more consequential than buying a starbucks coffee, soldier! You ARE Brave.
Protecting your self is also protecting others!! Try not to think of others and what they would think just understand you are helping yourself be comfortable and keeping others from dealing with any accidents that may happen if you weren’t protected. We did t ask for this but we’re managing it as best we can
I can,t normally go out unprotected.When my incontinence started did go out had a bad accident so the stigma was bad so no more.


So not same but similar situation. I do not have day issues, but do wet the bed occasionally. Not often, but enough for it to be an issue to look at. So, like you, I worried about having accidents when out, i.e. when not sleeping at home. I struggled with, do I give in and wear some protection knowing that there is a low chance that I would bedwet that night, or just chance it and just wear my boxers.

Thankfully there was not an incident that caused me to reconsider. Not an accident in someones or a hotel bed. I realized that while wearing protection might be a waste of that product when I wake up dry, still it was there just incase. Kinda like insurance. We hate paying the bill, but when something happens we are glad we have it.

I'd say wear protection if you need it, even for just in case situations, and live life. You got your insurance policy on so no worries.

I understand that it seems like a waste when you wear a diaper but don’t need to use it. However, I’ve found that wearing an unused diaper for more than about 8 hours during the day or 10 hours overnight leads to developing an unpleasant diaper rash. So even unused diapers need to be changed regularly.
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