This may be a really stupid question, but here goes...
I have been battling mixed incontinence for a couple of years now. The first urologist immediately wanted to do surgery and that scared me off. I've tried physical therapy to no avail. I went to a new urologist yesterday and I'm optimistic. He wants to do a urodynamics study and that seems like a step in the right direction. Prior to the study, I have to do a voiding dairy. I've done these before, but determining when small non-stress induced leaks occur has always been a challenge, as I do not feel them (the stress induced ones are easy). I believe urine seeps out slowly during the day. If I don't wear a pad, I can tell pretty easily by wet underwear. However, if I do wear a pad, the pad absorbs the liquid and I can't really tell when it happened until enough accumulates that the pad gets "full" and it's time to be changed.
So, do I just not wear pads and carry a stack of underwear with me and change every time they start feeling wet? That's the only solution I can come up with to know when exactly I am leaking...
I have been battling mixed incontinence for a couple of years now. The first urologist immediately wanted to do surgery and that scared me off. I've tried physical therapy to no avail. I went to a new urologist yesterday and I'm optimistic. He wants to do a urodynamics study and that seems like a step in the right direction. Prior to the study, I have to do a voiding dairy. I've done these before, but determining when small non-stress induced leaks occur has always been a challenge, as I do not feel them (the stress induced ones are easy). I believe urine seeps out slowly during the day. If I don't wear a pad, I can tell pretty easily by wet underwear. However, if I do wear a pad, the pad absorbs the liquid and I can't really tell when it happened until enough accumulates that the pad gets "full" and it's time to be changed.
So, do I just not wear pads and carry a stack of underwear with me and change every time they start feeling wet? That's the only solution I can come up with to know when exactly I am leaking...