Tomorrow I will be having another urodynamic study and cystocopy done. This will be the 2nd of these tests in the past couple of months. Supposedly, this time a more detailed imaging process will be used. At my last appointment, I was encouraged to try and self catheterize. I did, but it was a terrible experience...ended up with a uti that was horrible. I have been managing my situation by wearing diapers when necessary. I have become use to this, and can function very well...meds cause numerous side effects, and obviously catheters are not my thing. I'm not sure what these tests will find, but if surgery is necessary, I hope the urologists will let me manage with diapers...lot less invasive in my opinion. I didn't mention that my issues are with bladder diverticulum and an enlarged prostate. My bladder is quite distended, so I don't void as much as I should or as often...not much of a sensation that I need to. I'm wondering if I'm dealing with underactive bladder as apposed to overactive.